Wednesday, July 22, 2015


in the past several weeks I have lost several people I love. Some to cancer, some--unexplained. some- suicide.


Such an awful word. How could someone leave the ones they love behind with so many unanswered questions? Mostly, WHY? WHY didnt you talk to me? Why couldnt you figure out another solution? WHY were you such a coward?!? Mental Illness is real. It is so disposed of as a weakness. It is just like down syndrome, or the flu. You can't help it. people say that killing yourself sends you to hell off the rip. I say, that if you knew that person's heart. Go with that. And find peace that said person is at peace. Don't feel as guilty as I do. Seeing your friend the day before and hear her say " Im doing GREAT! IT is SOOO good to see you, I love you, girl!" Next day, shes gone. Pray. for your friends, hug them, look them in their eyes, and always go with your gut. Oh, and if your significant other talks to you like a sack of dog crap then, NEXT>>>> SIDE NOTE.

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