‘I am tortured beyond control. My mind is running rampant
and out of its state. No serenity. Only a darkness I hate. It has been
destroying me for years and I’m scared, and lonely. Sure, Im surrounded by
love, friends & family who would die for me…but I still feel alone. Who can
help? No one. Help only rests within—this I KNOW. God, Where are you? I keep
giving you the run around too. I don’t know how to get back to you. Help me. I
am blank. Not mad, maybe a little bit. But not bitter. The shower wont wash it
away, it can’t be slept away, laughter numbs it for a minute. Drugs &
alcohol prolong the inevitable. I am sick. Sick at my stomach. Sick at my soul.
The constant need to purge is always lingering. If only I could cry, but the
pain is imbedded. Someone let me out of here. I want to live again. I need
help, but I am too ashamed to admit it. I just want to make myself puke over
& over again until my nerves are gone. This disease is destroying me.’
This was a passage from my journal in February of 2012, when
I was bulimic. Never in a million years, would I have thought that these
thoughts would’ve passed through my head. It started with nerves, it continued
as I lost weight and was able to maintain it. That person is not me.
I still struggle daily. Not necessarily with the want or
need to purge. But with wishing I could crawl in a hole and pray that no one
would come looking for me. And that is because I’m in a place called a rut.
It’s a depressing, lonely little place. I struggle(d) with body image issues since
6th-7th grade until 2013. I had to realize that I CANT
measure my self worth by the shape of my body. You see, God made us in his
image. You must learn to rejoice in all things flawed and unflawed. Lord, I eat
chocolate when I PMS & it is ALL YOUR FAULT!! But, I praise you for it. I
praise you for every thought out flaw you weaved into my DNA with your perfect
hand. Thank you, Lord for my heart. And my ability to love people fiercely and
unconditionally, as you love me. Thank you for humbling me every day. USE ME.
For whatever will you see fit. I am perfectly imperfect. When you find that
your soul is happy, you will never second guess yourself in the mirror. You
cannot measure your worth by your body, hair, teeth, skin, eyebrows, toes,
color, sexual preference. BE WHO YOU ARE! You are beautiful. You are righteous.
You are worthy.
My mother and I were having a disagreement upon me offering
help to someone she just didn’t think deserved help. I remember hollering ‘
Because, Ma! THAT’S WHO I AM!’ She said, ‘Yeah.. well let me know how that
works out for you.’ Ouch. She was right. I could help every inch of human flesh
in this universe.. but it wouldn’t make a damn bit of a difference until I
helped myself.
When circumstances of life leak you dry, choose to see this
emptiness as a perfect spot for grace to grow. Make a choice that makes your
heart happy. Start with a small one, and let it expand. Happy Monday, dweebs!